10 Miles To vegas rock N Roll half
- by keeth
delighted Friday! My workout plan changed this week because I didn’t realize how jacked up I was going to feel after bootcamp. I planned on doing 12 miles on Wednesday and that swiftly turned into 5 So, today I went out for 10. It’s going to have to be good enough because I have to pack and get out of town!
Creeper in the bushes = Me
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Before We Were Strangers Review
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Now I hafta get some stuff ready and head to Las Vegas! I’m going there for the RnR half Marathon on Sunday. I did the race last year too and it was brutal. This year they changed it to an afternoon race with a 5:30pm start time – that’s even worse!
Vegas is a 270 miles away from us so it’s just a long drive. Living in SoCal indicates it’s easy to go to vegas a few times a year. The last time we went was in April.
But yeah, I can’t go to vegas and not drink. I don’t drink often, but in vegas it’s just what you do, you know? Last year’s half marathon was a disaster because of vodka and blisters. So this year I’m not even going to anxiety about it and here are my goals for the Race:
1. show up.
2. Finish.
3. Not eat a burrito and wash it down with tequila as a pre-race meal.
Komolyan. You’ll be dead before you know it and I’m not going to anxiety about this race. considering that I’m not completely irresponsible I’m going to hydrate like a mo-fo starting NOW. This indicates I will stop and pee during the race (possibly a lot more than once). I usually anxiety about how this affects my time, but for this race I’ll be mad at myself if I don’t stop and go
Other plans for Vegas:
I’m going to dance (possibly in the hallway of a random hotel)
I’m going to drink
I’m going to have fun.
And I’ll try and get some sleep at some point too…
Oh, and there’s a meet up on Saturday around 2pm – email me if you want information everyone is welcome! I may or may not come reeking of booze and barf. So, yeah I bet you want in on that!
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delighted Friday! My workout plan changed this week because I didn’t realize how jacked up I was going to feel after bootcamp. I planned on doing 12 miles on Wednesday and that swiftly turned into 5 So, today I went out for 10. It’s going to have to be good enough because I have to…
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